

General Overview
In collaboration with a Civil Developer in Tanzania and the professional chapter of E.W.B in L.A. We are looking to install a micro controlled solar water pump system for a school, of 400+, in Tanzania. Currently students have to make themselves down a treacherous path of around 300 meters. This takes time out of their studies and puts their health and safety at risk!
  • Make an impact on underprivileged students by supplying them with technology to overcome physical barriers to an education
  • Inspire them to continue their education through mentoring programs
Micro Controlled Solar Water Pump System
  • Install solar panels to provide power for water pump
  • Install water pump and all the required tubing
  • Install two communication Micro Controller to monitor power supply and water control
  • Provide tutorials/ learning exercises on water controlled pump for maintenance
Educational Micro Controller Projects
Education is very hard to obtain affecting isolated rural communities the most.
  • Providing some micro controllers and electronic parts allow for community members, from kids to adults, gain a valuable skill that improves their future opportunities
  • Is beneficial for both the volunteer(you), to gain once a lifetime experience, and to the disadvantage community by improving their way of life
  • Please see Costa Rica page for examples on educational Micro Controller Projects
  • A water treatment system will also be implemented, to learn more check out the water quality and filtration
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900 University Ave
Riverside, CA 92521
United States