Water is one of the most imperative substances to life. With an ever increasing population, there will need to be more sources of water to be treated and tested. This however is not so easy in developing countries, as time and resources may be scarce. That is why a need for a water quality and filtration system that is affordable and easily implemented is needed.
Water Quality System
A system that is able to detect harmful substances such as Nitrates, Ammonia, Algae, Conductivity. pH, Turbidity will help prevent detrimental intake of hazardous substances in water
Will greatly improve the quality of life of rural isolated communities where clean drinking water is hard to get
Water Filtration System
Activated Carbon
Made from mixing charcoal and table salt in an aqueous solution. The activation of carbon takes approximately 24 hours. This material is cheap and effective in removing any particulates in the water.
In order to remove harmful pathogens, a UV System will be developed. This will kill any bacteria by destroying the DNA structure preventing further proliferation in the water
Educational Micro controller projects
Education is very hard to obtain affecting isolated communities the most
To learn more about where we are planning to implement our system check out Tanzania and Costa Rica
Removes any possible human error in filtering water. Gives a clear analysis on water being treated
Using a UV system to calculate time needed for water to be exposed for maximum power efficiency. By calculating volume of water and level of contamination from feedback from other sensors
An automated system is needed to monitor the life of the filter. By measuring these parameters, one can confidently know when to replace the filter